Chan Li Chai Medical Factory (Hong Kong) Limited have taken every care in the preparation of the content of this website, however we cannot guarantee uninterrupted and totally reliable access to this website. Therefore we cannot guarantee the information will always be up to date and free of mistakes. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Chan Li Chai Medical Factory (Hong Kong) Limited disclaim all warranties; express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information contained in any of the products on this website and will accept no liability for any loss or damage arising as a result of problems with access.
We validate your order and the payment details you submit to us before your order can be accepted. Once that has been done, we will acknowledge that your order has been received by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address you provide in your registration form.
Chan Li Chai Medical Factory (Hong Kong) Limited reserve the right to restrict the number of items available for sale to any individual customer. All orders are subject to availability. If any items are not available and you paid using the PayPal (VISA, Master Card and American Express) service will not be charged for the cancelled items. Payment will be debited from your account before the dispatch of your purchase. Package and Postage will be borne by the vendor.
Our website has taken great care to ensure prices are accurate. Prices may change over time, so if you use your shopping list within ‘My account’ as a way of re-ordering items, prices on your previous order may no longer be valid. The correct prices will be applied when you select an item from the shopping list and add to your current basket.
Our website has made every effort to reproduce colours on the site as accurately as possible. However, every computers reproduce colours in slightly different ways, and so exact colour matches are not yet possible over the internet. This means that when you order products from the shop, colours may differ from what you see on the screen.
Chan Li Chai Medical Factory (Hong Kong) Limited reserve the right to alter these Terms and Conditions from time to time by posting new terms and conditions on this website.
Chan Li Chai Medical Factory (Hong Kong) Limited located at Flat A1-A2, 2/F-3/F, Block A, Fortune Factory Building, 40 Lee Chung Street, Hong Kong is registered under the Chinese Medicine Ordinance (Chapter549), Hong Kong Special Administrative Region with the Manufacturer Licence No. PM-2003-00506.
香港陳李濟藥廠有限公司 © 2024
技術支持BSurprise Company Limited